Saturday, January 07, 2006

Friday, January 6th . . . .

Was a very low key day. Tim had class in the morning, so I stayed here and studied some spanish, did some laundry (now that was an adventure, figuring out the washing machine and how to use the token operated dryer upstairs.) In the afternoon, we went to see Harry Potter at the mall that is just across the street, in english but with spanish subtitles (again, a learning experience!)

We had dinner at a classic Santaguino place called Bar Liguria with the Chilean, American (this includes Dookies), and students of other nationalities at the summer program at La Catolica. Dinner of course is very late here, we got to the restaurant at like, 9:45 and didn´t eat til, oh, 11:00. However, Andres, our roommate, went with us, and he used to work in the Chilean wine business. He was able to make some excellent choices for our part of the table. I was proud of Tim for picking out the ¨vanilla¨in one of the wines he chose. With probably 25 people at this table, the bill was a mess to figure out. We then went to a ¨discotheque¨ (not a nightclub, if you say that here you are referring to something much more risque and sketchy) called Subterraño which was fun - I think Tim might have even enjoyed dancing. ;)

1 comment:

Blake said...

Thanks for keeping up with us Jim!
We actually had sushi delivered tonight - but would love another tip!