Monday, October 19, 2009

The pile keeps getting bigger . . .

of clothes that Adam has outgrown! I keep piling things up in his closet that he's about to pop out of, while also realizing there are lots of clothes that he's barely worn that's he'll grow out of too very soon. Gracious me. My little boy is growing up! I can't tell so easily from day to day, but of course, anytime a granparent or friend sees him, all they can talk about is how much he has grown!

Four months have just flown by. As a neighbor said, the hours are so long, yet the weeks are so fast. I love knowing where his tickle spot is, that makes him giggle when he's in the right mood. I love that he behaves in church and sings during the hymns and the anthems. I love that I was able to take him up to the children's sermon at Hallsboro UMC yesterday and he listened! I even love that he pinches my arm fat while he's eating! :) My sweet baby.